Monday, March 21, 2011

Show in May

I just got conformation that I have the entire month of May to show my art in the bar Preservation Pub in Market Square, Knoxville, TN.  They recently built a new level upstairs (the Speakeasy) and its style seems to be a great fit for the style of my artwork.  So excited!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm currently working on some larger 18"x24" radials.  I have one large piece up in the bar Preservation Pub in Market Square, Knoxville, TN.  I've never had the time to pursue art really so now that I do I'm taking advantage.  BooYah

Eternal Waves

I did this and the last piece for a restaurant called Nama.

Sashimi Circuit

Crystal Fire

Dragon Throws Pearl

I did this piece for my brother Kris.  The symbol means dragon kung fu.  I love doing pieces with a goal in mind; they usually turn out awesome.

Dragon Atom



Fountain of Life

Time Slipping

Mind Matter

This is one of my favorites.  It appears that there is a clover shape in the middle.  I only drew a small design between each smaller radial but the way I intended to make it look like was another design within the others.  I put a good amount of thought into creating this one.


I developed a technique using geometry to map out symmetric spiral patterns, which I use is some shape or form for each spiral piece.


This spiral was done free hand.  There obvious mistakes in this piece as far as symmetry, but more times than not I am asked if I use a computer or some sort of digital device to make my pieces.  It is obvious mistakes that don't stand out when looking at the piece as a whole which make the drawing more real and personal. 

Finding Fungi

Everything in this radial is a mushroom.  Look at the white space in the first two rings...  If you stare long enough you will start seeing purple dinosaurs and pink mice talking to you and might taste colors.


Mumbo Jumbo

I like to call this one Mumbo Jumbo.  Look for the 6 faces.


Masonry Maze




Crown of the Moon

This was my first radial drawing ever attempted drawn in pencil.  I was in highschool algebra class and obviously not paying attention haha.

Aztec Tattoo


Girls always seem to love this one...  Yay Bubbles!!!


Swiss Army

Electrified Glass





Light Explosion

Space Crystal


Boiling Flower


The yellow is a lot brighter in person.


Space Artifact

